Published On: June 30th, 2024Categories: Events

Data Saturday Rheinland 2024 – it’s all about the community

Some of you probably know that we do a lot in the Microsoft Data Platform Community, both in Germany and worldwide. In July, Tillmann and Oliver were once again recognized as MVPs (Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals). To become an MVP, you have to prove to Microsoft that you actively support the technologies – be it through presentations, books, MeetUps or by organizing conferences. At the end of June, the time had come again: Data Saturday was once again held in collaboration with the Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences.

The university provides the premises – Tillmann, Oliver and a few buddies from the community organize the rest.

In this case, we had a workshop day on Friday with 3 sessions on the Microsoft Data Platform, where participants were able to try out the latest technologies hands-on. On Saturday, detailed presentations were held in 6 tracks and around 30 sessions.

The speakers came from all over Europe and there was even a speaker from New Zealand. In addition, Data Saturday also had exhibitors in the “Hochschulstraße” who financed the event.

Of course, oh22 was there with
HEDDA.IO and WOODY.IO as Gold Sponsor.