Product integration.

HEDDA.IO is an intuitive platform that allows you to clearly and consistently define business rules and continuously monitor their application. The application of these rules is always brought to the developers, so that they

  • can work within their familiar environments
  • existing processes only must be adapted minimally and
  • data does not have to be copied and transformed across different platforms (which is a common cause for poor data quality).

With its runners in .NET or pyspark, HEDDA.IO can be integrated directly into existing processes within Spark, Azure Synapse Analytics or Databricks and applications based on .NET can be written within Visual Code and other environments. The HEDDA.IO Webrunner enables data to be processed via REST API directly or from applications such as Azure Data Factory and Azure Synapse Pipelines.

The HEDDA.IO Single Row Runner also allows easy integration with Mapping Data Flows, Power Apps, Power BI or applications such as Dynamics 365. The development of your own interfaces is quickly implemented with the Azure Functions provided by HEDDA.IO.